Blue Radiance (Hot Cross Two)

In my second to last post, I mentioned I am working in a series this year as a means to help define and find my artist’s voice.  I chose crosses because they visually appeal to me.  There are so many styles depending on the source.  Just Google “crosses” and you’ll discover image upon image of plain, ornate, Coptic, Celtic, colorful.

I also chose this theme because there are so many ways to shake up that linear shape.  I’m curious to see how many versions I can create.

Blue Radiance appears below (I was going to name it “Study in Blue”, but the final piece called for a different name).

Just like last time, I’d appreciate any input or constructive criticism in the comments.

Blue Radiance (link to poem)

Blue Radiance (Hot Cross Two)
Full piece – 12″x18″. Thoughts?
Blue Radiance (Hot Cross Two)
Closeup #1
Blue Radiance (Hot Cross Two)
Closeup #2
Blue Radiance (Hot Cross Two)
Poetry Label

Next up: Resurrection (Hot Cross Three)

Author: Hilary Clark

Artist, Writer, Poet. Joy & Ease Believer. Aiming for modern renaissance woman. Will likely miss.

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